MAKING 11 - 1/700scale Multi-Material Kit : Battleship YAMATO

"1/700scale Multi-Material Kit : 日本海軍 戦艦 大和"の製作メイキングをUPしていきます。


Continuing to the making of "1/700scale Multi-Material Kit : Battleship YAMATO".
You may reference to this “making of” article when you assembling the kit.

this update is starting to assemble the central part of the battleship.

There is no markings for the location of the windows and ladder, please refer to the manual and also your own reference materials to determine the locations to attach these photo etch parts.

To assemble these high-angle guns, you will be needed to drill holes to the metal parts to insert the barrels. Please pay attention to the depth and the angle of the holes need to be consistant, otherwise the outlooking of these guns will be not good.

他の砲台も細かい作業が続きます。パーツの紛失・破損に充分注意、です。 Pay attention to the tiny parts when assembling other guns and turrets.

Pay attention to the parts inside the red area. “L” and “R” marks are marked on them so please don’t mix up.
Also, you may see there are three types of the base in the manual, but we don’t need M79 and M80 here. Since their shape are so similar please separate (or mark) them clearly before assembling.



Then the central part is finished.

To be continued. . .

MAKING 12 - 1/700scale Multi-Material Kit : Battleship YAMATO